Lexington Wedding Photographer’s Tips for a Personalized Wedding

As a Lexington wedding photographer, I have seen all of the cutest and sentimental personalized wedding details. If you are looking to have personalized details for your day, check out these tips!

Lexington Wedding Photographer’s Tips

Bridesmaid and Groomsmen Gifts

Giving your bridemaids and groomsmen a cute gift as a way of asking them to be a part of your wedding party, or plan to give them a thank you gift on your wedding day. If you do either of these, be sure to bring that along so that your photographer can photograph those.

Parent Gifts

Give a personalized gift to your father and mother. This idea can also apply to your new father-in-law and mother-in-law too (you’d definitely win bonus points with them if you did). Examples of this can be anything from a belt with special words or initials on the inside, an engraved watch, a tie with monogrammed words or image on the inside, or a sports item if that fits their personality better. For mothers you can get her a special jewelry piece, a meaningful picture frame for their home, or a hobby related item they might like with a message written on it.

Gifts for Your Future Spouse

The same concept as the last suggestion can work here as well for gifts exchanged between the bride and groom. A personalized watch, belt, or cuff links for the groom. For the bride; jewelry, a special cup, or sweet words written on the bottom of her shoes.

Cards at Your Reception

Fun cards for your guest to write on that you can collect and read later. This can be anything from guess the dress cards, which they draw on while waiting for the wedding to start, or advice for the couple cards. One card idea I thought was super cute was to have people write down their fun date night ideas. I can tell you, after 10 years of being married, I know I have trouble coming up with new ideas on where we should go on dates.


A personalized hanger for your dress, this can work for your brides maids dresses too. Having this can make the photo of your dress look so pretty and they hold up much better on a good hanger.

Photobooth to Compliment Your Lexington Wedding Photographer

Having a photo booth or polarized camera next to your guest check in area. They can take a quick photo of themselves, print it out and tape or glue it in the guest sign in book. From there they can sign their names and even write a piece of advice on the page if want. Such a fun idea!

Lexington Wedding Photographer

I’m sure there are lots of other ideas out there of ways to make your wedding just a little more personal, but these are just a few that I love and wanted to pass along to you! If you have any fun ideas you’d love to share with us, please reply in the comment section below! Still searching for your Lexington wedding photographer? I’d love to chat with you and get to know all about your love story! Click here to view my portfolio and let’s start the conversation!







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TIPS AND advice